Turkish delight with mixed nuts 鄂圖曼雜錦軟糖禮盒裝
它是土耳其糖果文化歷經 500 年的沉澱 。它的生產需要經驗和獨創性。它在 19 世紀達到了目前的水平。糖通過進口進入 奧斯曼帝國後,在 18 世紀末開始用於 製作美味佳餚,就像所有其他甜食一樣。後來用 澱粉代替麵粉,由英國旅行者以土耳其糖果的形式 帶到歐洲,在18世紀被稱為土耳其軟糖。 土耳其軟糖是用糖漿(蔗糖)用檸檬酸或酒石酸 或奶油塔塔粉沉澱,然後與玉米澱粉一起煮製而成。主要材料是澱粉和糖。然而乾果如開心果或榛果。也可以加入杏仁仁和果酯或樹膠 。 此外,還有添加磨碎的椰子和奶油製成的類型。
Turkish Delight which is one of the oldest and most famous sweets of the world with its more than 500 years of history, got its current consistency with the 35-years' experience of Avsarlar.
Tuqba has taken its place in Turkish Delight production to the upper levels by improving its experience for generations, integrating the traditional structure with the technological improvements, constantly improving its taste and aroma and by exploring new tastes.