Elite Natural Super Chia排毒產品使用來自我們自己領域的有機水果,蔬菜和種子製成。分析季節收集的水果,蔬菜和種子中的化學殘留物,然後冷壓入瓶中。通過快速巴氏殺菌的Super Chia,可在不損失其排毒,維生素和礦物質的情況下為您提供有價值的消費者。 Elite Natural Super Chia排毒精華可幫助您的身體以其豐富的含量充當抗氧化劑,並成為健康的營養補品。
Organic Super Chia Detox (Purple)
Elite Natural Super Chia detox is produced with organic fruits, vegetables and seeds that come from our own fields. Fruits, vegetables and seeds collected in season are analyzed for chemical residue and then cold pressed into bottles. Super Chia, which passes through flash pasteurization, reaches you valuable consumers without losing its detox, vitamins and minerals. Elite Natural Super Chia detox helps your body to act as an antioxidant with its rich content and to be a healthy nutritional supplement thanks to chia.