🌱紅磡有機食品門市及文化藝術工作坊地址:紅磡18號民樂街凱旋工業大廈三期Q1E地下 (可輸入"Coronet Organic" 直接在Google map 尋找前往方法)
營業時間:星期一至六11am-7pm (公眾假期需預約)
- From Farm to You -
Variety of the fig: Bursa Black Fig
品種: 布爾薩黑無花果
Suitable for those with: cancer, high blood pressure, constipation
Figs contain impurity fiber, various vitamins, β-carotene, magnesium, potassium, selenium, etc.
Prevent constipation: a medium-sized fig has about two grams of precipitated fiber, which can promote tandem peristalsis
預防便秘: 一個中型無花果約有兩克膳食纖維,可促進腸道蠕動
Anti-cancer: Figs have a powerful anti-oxidant effect and resist the damage of a series of free radicals in cells
抗癌: 無花果有強大的抗氧化作用,抵抗細胞免受自由基的侵害
Eliminate edema and prevent high blood pressure: potassium is quite high, which helps to remove excess salt from the body
去水腫和預防高血壓: 鉀質相當高,有助排出體內多餘鹽分
Help eliminate fatigue, improve immunity, prevent cardiovascular disease