《芝士的品種,山羊芝士?綿羊芝士?牛芝士?如何分》 | ATA ORGANIC®
Q: 山羊,绵羊和牛奶之間的差異如何影響奶酪的製造?
山羊奶中的這種脂肪比例為4.5 – 6。
How does the difference between goat’s, ewe’s and cow’s milk influence the making of cheese?
The fat ratio of cow’s milk is 3.5% and 3.6 is considered well. This nutritious fat ratio is between 4.5 – 6 in goat's milk; and between 7.5 and 10 in ewe’s milk that is close to human milk and has many solid matters. So it has a high level of efficiency and nutritious value. Cow’s milk is thinner. Because; if a cow gave milk less than 24-30 kg a day at one milking in a season, the company would make a loss. For this, the cow needs to be fed with artificial feeds in order to get that much milk. Otherwise, you would only get 10 kg milk. Since the company could not compensate the expenses of the animal, the cow would begin to be additive. It is not true for ewes; they are fed with solid feeds; for example, they eat coarsely ground wheat. Granulated feeds such as barleys, oats, corns, etc. are given to goats. Ewes grass in the meadow but are also fed. In summer, ewes are not fed much. But if you do not feed cows, you cannot get milk. For a dairy farm to be open for 12 months, it must only use cow’s milk. Production with ewe’s and goat's milk lasts only five months. A sheep dairy farm starts its activities in April and finishes in August.

Q: 卡薩爾(Kashar)奶酪的銷售情況如何?誰買得最多?
上一代人知道卡薩爾(Kashar)奶酪。新一代人只知道新鮮的奶酪,而事實上這是最不健康的奶酪。新一代的營養習慣不同。新鮮的奶酪不健康,因為沒有等待它成熟,並且其中所含的微鹹水也沒有過濾。卡薩爾(Kashar)奶酪不會引起胃部不適,但新鮮的奶酪會引起胃部不適。最重要的是,如果您有胃病,甚至可能會導致胃灼熱。新鮮奶酪含有添加劑,而卡薩爾(Kashar) 奶酪則不含。
What about the sales of Kashar cheese? Who buys them the most?
Mehmet Ecevit: Old generation knows about Kashar cheese. New generation only knows about fresh cheese which is the unhealthiest one in fact. Nutritional habits of new generation are different. Fresh cheese is unhealthy because it is not made wait and the brackish water contained in it is not filtered. Kashar cheese does not cause discomfort in stomach but fresh cheese does so. Above all, if you have a stomach problem, it may even create heartburn. Fresh cheese contain additives, Kashar cheese does not.
Q: 因為牛奶便宜,牛奶優先嗎?
Is cow’s milk preferred because it is cheaper?
Sami Varlı: No, it is not only because of its price but also because of that uniform and mass production is demanded. If a big company came to Thrace, it would not leave any sheep milk, if it wanted to do so. But as sheep milk would not be sufficient for such a big company, it does not demand sheep milk.
Cheese is a fermentation thing. Cheese needs to ne matured. That’s why fresh cheese is unfavorable. Cheese does not grow without fermentation. When you buy low-fat or fat-free cheese as cultivated cheese at the markets, do you think you eat real cheese? The production date of them is almost the same date you buy them. It is not matured; you may get poisoned from fresh cheese.