成分: 超優質初榨橄欖油 (40cc)
產地: 土耳其
一種位於高山 1000米以上的深山野橄欖,從不被污染,野橄欖必需在生長一個月的日子中便要採摘和用最傳統方法碾磨壓榨,使其保持純正和讓含有高含量的角鯊烯仍然保存,是一级其滋潤皮膚的也能够使肌膚吸收充足水分形成保濕屏障,並促進保濕和軟膚,使肌膚免受刺激。含抗氧化劑極其豐富 – 基本達到抗氧化水平高峰,提供肌膚抗氧化營養素。當中其維生素A和E有助於修復皮膚特別有效! 皮膚乾燥和受損或老化,Lady oil都是最佳拯救好幫手,純正,保濕,滋養和含抗老化劑。Lady oil容易滲入皮膚深層快速恢復其基本的光澤度。多酚,歐米加3和6脂肪酸,可再生和加强細胞膜,以及抗氧化维生素A,C和E生育酚)。每天使用能助淡化面斑,軟化疤痕,平滑皺紋和舒緩陽光的傷害。Lady oil是一支可信靠的全面護膚產品。可按肌膚需要使用!
每盒: $300/盒 優惠價: $ 250/盒
Ingredients: Super premium virgin olive oil (40cc)
Origin: Turkey
A deep mountain wild olive that is located more than 1,000 meters high in the high mountains. It has never been polluted. Wild olives must be picked and milled with the most traditional methods within a month of growth to keep them pure and contain high levels of dogfish. The ene is still preserved, and it is the first level of it to moisturize the skin and also enable the skin to absorb sufficient water to form a moisturizing barrier, and promote moisturization and softness, so that the skin is free from irritation. It is extremely rich in antioxidants-basically reaching the peak of antioxidant levels, providing antioxidant nutrients to the skin. Among them, vitamins A and E are especially effective for repairing the skin! Lady oil is the best rescuer for dry, damaged or aging skin. It is pure, moisturizing, nourishing and contains anti-aging agents. Lady oil easily penetrates deep into the skin and quickly restores its basic gloss. Polyphenols, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, regenerate and strengthen cell membranes, and antioxidant vitamins A, C and E tocopherols). Daily use can help dilute facial spots, soften scars, smooth wrinkles and relieve sun damage. Lady oil is a reliable and comprehensive skin care product. Can be used according to skin needs!