蜂蜜、花生、乾無花果、杏仁、開心果、核桃等。杏仁切片繞過罐子底部;開心果坐在杏仁上方、開心果無花果和杜鬆子繞過頂部。 其他堅果和水果依偎在裡面,沐浴在裡面。 它看起來太好吃了。
盡情享用早餐、早午餐或零食 - 將它塗在烤麵包、餅乾、煎餅、鬆餅上、麥皮內、燕麥早餐等 - 使用您的想像力!
Origin: Turkey
Crafted in Turkey and beautifully presented in a glass jar, dried fruits and nuts are drenched in sweet honey. Delicious in yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, with cheese or enjoyed straight out of the jar, this versatile treat makes a lovely addition to gift baskets.
Pretty AND tasty. It's SO pretty in fact, that it'll be tough to crack into it. But when you do, your taste buds will rejoice in a holiday dance involving an homage to peanuts, dried figs, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, currants, walnuts, coconut, sesame seeds, and honey and bee pollen. Yeah, seriously. Yum.