我們的橄欖油手工肥皂,在皮膚和頭髮護理方面創造了奇蹟般的效果,超越了昂貴的護理產品... 由100%橄欖油製成... 橄欖油肥皂是由橄欖油製成的,不是一般的橄欖油... 其中的酸鹼平衡調整得完美,所得產品中沒有游離鹼,即使誤食也是無害的。我們的肥皂... 它可以放心地用於嬰兒和敏感或過敏的皮膚類型的人...在長期使用我們的100%天然肥皂時,我們建議用繩子懸掛它,以防止它融化並使其能夠乾燥。
Our olive oil soap, which creates miraculous effects in skin and hair care that overshadows expensive care products... Made from 100% olive oil... Olive oil soap made from olive oil, not normal olive oil... The acid-base balance in it is perfectly adjusted, there is no free alkali in the resulting product, it is harmless even if swallowed. our soap... It can be used by babies and people with sensitive or allergic skin type with peace of mind...In long-term use of our 100% natural soap, we recommend hanging it with a string to prevent it from melting and to allow it to dry.
Efficacy: exfoliating, rejuvenating, moisturizing, anti-allergic
Juniper tar soap benefits: anti-inflammatory
Flavors: Lavender Olive Oil Soap,