Elite Natural Pouch Puree Red is produced entirely with fruits and vegetables from our own fields. Fruits and vegetables collected in season are analyzed for chemical residue and then cold pressed into bottles. Pouch Puree Red, which passes through flash pasteurization, reaches you valuable consumers without losing vitamins and minerals. A healthy snack for your children and our future.
- Certified Organic. NFC. Cold-Pressed.
- No Added Sugar. No Preservatives. No Artificial Color
Elite天然袋果泥紅完全由我們自己領域的水果和蔬菜製成。按季節收集水果和蔬菜冷壓到瓶子中。通過快速巴氏殺菌的Pouch Puree Red,可在不損失維生素和礦物質的情況下為您帶來天然有机果汁,携带方便,是宝宝们理想的健康零食和点心。果泥细腻,非常适合在饭间给宝宝补充营养和体验吸食的乐趣。
-有機認證。 NFC。冷壓。
- Certified Organic. NFC. Cold-Pressed.
- No Added Sugar. No Preservatives. No Artificial Color
Elite天然袋果泥紅完全由我們自己領域的水果和蔬菜製成。按季節收集水果和蔬菜冷壓到瓶子中。通過快速巴氏殺菌的Pouch Puree Red,可在不損失維生素和礦物質的情況下為您帶來天然有机果汁,携带方便,是宝宝们理想的健康零食和点心。果泥细腻,非常适合在饭间给宝宝补充营养和体验吸食的乐趣。
-有機認證。 NFC。冷壓。